2014年5月12日 星期一

滑板文章分享(WES KREMER 2014 March Skate Mag)

這是WES KREMER在2014 March Skate Mag裡的一段訪談

Q : What have you been doing with all your shoe royalty money then?
A : Just putting it in the piggy bank, dude. Saving it.

問 : 你怎麼使用你的簽名款滑板鞋(DC)所賺來的版稅呢?
答 : 就存在撲滿裡或是跟兄弟們出去玩

Q : You ever buy a new phone? I know you were running the old-ass Nokia forever.
A : I got newer phone, an LG. It's touch screen.

問 : 你買了新手機了嗎?據我所知你一直都在用很舊款的Nokia手機
答 : 我換了支LG的新手機了,而且是觸碰式螢幕

Q : Does it get the interweb?
A : Oh, no. It has the capabilities but no, I don't do that. I only call and text.

問 : 它可以上網嗎?
答 : 是可以上網,但我都不用,我只用來打電話與傳簡訊

Q : I heard skate mafia was going to buy you a smartphone just so you could get the internet.
A : Supposedly. Preebs said he was going to hook it up because i can't even get picture text. He said he was gonna get me an iPhone so i could get in tune with the world. He said he'd give it to me on my birthday. But i told him i would take the shit straight to Buffalo Exchange and sell it. I don't need a hip, new accessory.

問 : 我聽說skate mafia(板面公司)去給你買一個智能手機,就是希望你也能上網
答 : 據說是這樣,Preebs打算在生日送他一隻iPhone,希望他也能夠發一些有圖片的訊息

Q : Are they trying to get you on instagram?
A : Yeah, they want me to, but they're not going to make me do it. I like the idea of instagram, i just hate how consumed everyone by their phones. I see all my homies, chilling at the dinner table, and i look around and everyone is scrolling on their phone. I feel like i'm talking to no one because everyone is playing Words With Friend with someone at the table. Can't you just exchange a couple actual words with your friends in real life?

問 : 他們試圖讓你也辦一個instagram帳號嗎?
答 :是的,他們也想要我有,但他們沒有讓我去做。我覺得instagram還不錯,我只是討厭每個人都一直耗在他的手機,我看到我所有的好兄弟們,在晚餐時間都只會一直滑著他的手機,我感覺我找不到人聊天,因為所有人都一直忙著用打字聊天.在現實生活裡,難道你就不能直接透過用嘴巴跟你周遭的人聊聊天嗎?!

Q : You did have an instagram account for a second.
A : It wasn't me. Heads are shocked when they find out i don't have instagram. We're out at anice DC dinner and Mikey Taylor hits me up like, "I'm just going to make you an instagram account." It was Mikey, Cole, Nyjah and they make the account and all send it out and get a bunch of heads to start following it. He ran it for two days, posting shit, and then asked if I wanted him to take it down, and i was like, "Yeah. Stoops. I'm over it" I can see what use it is for marketing purposes to get some shameless self promotion, but it's too personal. You'll take photo out at dinner and next thing some homies show up at the spot because they saw the post.

問 : 你有過一個instagram帳號,但只有一下下。
答 :那不是我,找到的人也都嚇到了,因為他們知道我沒有創立過帳號,其實那是在一次DC的晚餐時間裡,Mikey, Cole, Nyjah他們創的,而且用了2天,裡面所有的都是他們弄的,我覺得我受不了了,要求他們把帳號關掉,我知道這是用來市場行銷從而得到一些厚臉皮的自我推銷,但這是很私人的,比如你在吃飯的時候拍了照片上傳,隨後你就會看到你一些朋友也出現在那裡,因為他們都看到了那貼文。

1 則留言:

  1. 講的太好了,很多人都忽略現實了,只在乎手上的黑螢幕,像是生了根一樣拿不下來,只把自己好的一面分享給大家,可是內容卻華而不實
