這是WES KREMER在2014 March Skate Mag裡的一段訪談
Q : What have you been doing with all your shoe royalty money then?
A : Just putting it in the piggy bank, dude. Saving it.
問 : 你怎麼使用你的簽名款滑板鞋(DC)所賺來的版稅呢?
答 : 就存在撲滿裡或是跟兄弟們出去玩
Q : You ever buy a new phone? I know you were running the old-ass Nokia forever.
A : I got newer phone, an LG. It's touch screen.
問 : 你買了新手機了嗎?據我所知你一直都在用很舊款的Nokia手機
答 : 我換了支LG的新手機了,而且是觸碰式螢幕